How Does Fear Serve You?

Does it bring you joy, status,

Health and prosperity?

Does it allow you to sleep

Peacefully and deeply?

Does it allow you

To see the gifts of the Universe

Given to you each day?

Dear One, you hold on to fear so tenaciously. Why? Consider how it serves you. Indeed, your physical body fears loud noises and falling. That is an innate fear meant to protect the body. But what about those other fears you carry so deeply? How do they make your life easier?

You are like someone walking up a steep mountain carrying a backpack filled with large stones. Those stones are the fears that you carry. They weigh you down and prevent you from making forward progress.

They tire you out and cause you to stumble and crawl when you can fly. What would happen if you gently laid down those stones, one by one? Can you do a visual meditation that allows you to do just that? Gently letting go of the heaviness each stone brings to you.

Look into that backpack and select a stone. What does it symbolize for you? Fear of lack, loss, or failure? Consider if that fear is justified. Does not a loss allow for something else to enter your life? Does a lack often mask the strength never considered before? Is there a failure in your life? Or is it just a redirection or a challenge to strengthen you?

Dear One, as you choose each stone and reflect upon its meaning to you, also give gratitude. For showing you how far you have come and how you no longer need to carry it with you. Each experience in your life is a catalyst for growth.

Many of you have carried judgment, especially self-judgment, the furthest. Was it something you said or did, or failed to say or do? What was the reason for that action or inaction? Was your intent pure and just misunderstood by another? For, Dear One, you have no control over how another will respond to you.

Were you tired or trying to protect yourself? Did that inner child need the interaction to occur this way due to a past experience? Reflect upon changing that self-judgment to self-compassion. All are wounded souls and the motivation could be as simple as self-care.

Spend time on these reflections and see a life of grace rather than a life of judgment and failure. Have you considered how you may have been the catalyst for another to make a positive change in their life?

Are you beginning to see how carrying these stones causes you needless worry and energy use that can be directed elsewhere? Are you feeling lighter already just considering the possibilities for changing your life?

Understand the paradox that life is simply learning how to love in a life that is so very complex. When you fall on those old fears, stop and ask for another way to approach them.

Water flowing in the same direction will eventually create a smooth hollow in stone for easier movement. So, too, a constant way of viewing your life creates a channel that prevents seeing other perspectives.

This is the time to gently release all that no longer serves you. It will not be done in one meditation, but over time as you gain momentum in seeing yourself and this world in a kinder, gentler light.

The next time you embrace a long-held fear ask yourself if you need it. How has it served you? Is it time to lay it down as you take your next step forward? You can do this. You are ready to do this. You only need support, and Dear One, you have the support of so many loving beings. Here, right now, embracing you and applauding you for your progress.

Question those fears.

Replace judgment with compassion.

Lighten your load

And see how much lighter

Your next step is.

Allow us to help lift those stones.

Bless the lessons and move on

You are ready, you are capable,

You are indeed

One With All of Thee.


Join the Virtual Prayer Circle each Sunday @ 9 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time:

Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you join kindred souls offering their prayers.

Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.

I will add my energies to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.

I’ll hold space and offer my support to all across the globe to shine their light, to trust in who they are, where they are, and the role they play here on this plane. May we all hold each other up with loving support as we inch closer to a new way of being.

Connect when you can and help to bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circling this globe at all times.

Much gratitude and many blessings to you.

May we all be grateful to the unseen world holding us up, keeping us strong with love.



Now available as a podcast at these sites:





Let It Go

Release the fear,

The anger, and the judgment.

How does it serve you?

Other than dimming your light

And causing you to suffer

When you were meant

To experience joy and peace.

Dear One, it is your choice on how to move forward from this moment on. You have the freedom to experience either joy or suffering. You have been taught to suffer with doubt and judgment of yourself and others. But you can change that pattern now. It is up to you.

Fear has enveloped this planet with its heaviness and suffocating grasp upon humanity. But now is the time to accept your divinity. Never before has there been so much help available to you to make the shift. To drop the cloak of those human limitations. To allow your inner light to shine brightly. To fill your heart with joy once again.

Does not the possibility of this change fill you with hope? Close your eyes and ask the Mother to fill you with Her essence. Then feel her tendrils gently caressing your body as she rises within you filling every cell with her essence.

Ask permission to become one with Her magnificent strength. Then sink your roots deeply into the Mother and Her crystalline core. Ah, the beauty of connection with Mother Gaia. Then notice how your view of your surroundings has changed. Feel the connection with all of nature.

Send all your fears and doubts down into the Mother. She is strong enough to transmute those heavy energies into light and beauty. Feel the lightness begin to fill your body as light energy replaces the dark energy of fear.

For your entire life, you have listened to others rather than listening to your own heart. Dear One, realize that others struggle as well and their truth may not be your truth. The guidance you seek comes from within, not from others.

All of humanity is flawed in some way. These are the challenges to help each of you grow. It is time to retrieve the power you gave to others. Understand that allowing others to cause you anger, fear, or stress gives them power. Keep that power for yourself and use it to send out love, compassion, and kindness.

You are like a toddler learning to walk. It takes practice and awareness of how you take each step forward. Can you open your eyes to the lives of others and realize that they too are struggling to move forward? Remove them from their thrones and see them as they are, just like you.

Simplify your life. Having too much to do causes you to allow others to think for you. Your true path can be revealed with quiet time of meditation and contemplation. Trust your heart. Trust your connection to the Mother. Trust your power and use it wisely as it begins to emerge.

Do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today. Make it a simpler day. Pay attention to what your body tells you. Pay attention to your breath. Are you holding your breath too often? This is what you do when you are angry or stressed. If you notice this, focus on deep, slow breaths to release that stress that you hold so close.

Dear One, use those wondrous physical senses you have been given; sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Stop living in your mind and allow your beautiful body to share the wonders of your life with you. Your mind is there to help navigate your life. But your body was designed to allow you to experience life to the fullest.

You are on the cusp of a massive change upon this magnificent planet. Do not cower within your mind. Open your arms and your heart, and experience the joy that is awaiting you. It is your choice, Dear One. We offer you a future of joy and connection. Let us take your hand and guide you forward as your inner light emerges in all of its brilliance.

Choose joy, choose love,

Choose forgiveness,

And change your life.

It is possible.

Begin in this very moment

And accept your true nature.

That of love and connection.

Dearest One With All of Thee.


Join the Virtual Prayer Circle each Sunday @ 9 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time:

Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you join kindred souls offering their prayers.

Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.

I will add my energies to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.

I’ll hold space and offer my support to all across the globe to shine their light, to trust in who they are, where they are, and the role they play here on this plane. May we all hold each other up with loving support as we inch closer to a new way of being.

Connect when you can and help to bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circling this globe at all times.

Much gratitude and many blessings to you.

May we all be grateful to the unseen world holding us up, keeping us strong with love.



Now available as a podcast at these sites:





Honor the Breath

That keeps your physical body alive,

That calms you in times of chaos,

That connects you to the All of Creation,

That fills you with love,

And wisdom,

And peace.

Dear One, we encourage you to focus on your breath throughout your day for all the above reasons. Breath is the essence of life, not only physical but spiritual. It connects you with the All of Creation as you match the rhythm of the Breath of God.

Consider how your lungs expand with the air you inhale. This nourishes your physical body. But it also fills you with the love of the Universe. Every atom has the potential to share love with every other atom it touches. For does not All of Creation come from Source, the Vessel of Love whose spark ignited us all?

Understand your connection to the beginning of life.

Understand your unconscious interaction with the All That Is.

Understand how the building blocks of life recirculate within you with every breath that you take.

Dear One, every hydrogen atom that fills your being is as old as the Universe. It was present in the very beginning as the potential for physical life.  It was present in the primordial soup that churned out the beginning of physical life as you know it.

It is a building block of water. The water that fills over 60% of your physical body. The water that has consciousness and memory. The water that sustains not only your physical body but also your constant connection to the All. With every breath, you absorb the atoms that create water and the potential for higher consciousness.

Can you close your eyes and feel the rhythm of your breath, the rhythm of the Universe flowing in and out of your physical being? Can you feel the calming presence of love with each intake of air? The original atoms of the creation of the Universe fill your very being. Those atoms came directly from Source to initiate the cascade of life as you know it.

Dear One, there is much knowledge awaiting you to better understand who you are and how you are connected to every atom within the Universe. Can you focus on walking in love, sending out love with every breath?

The ascension is in motion, not only here upon this physical plane but throughout the Universes. How can that not be when all are connected? Communities here upon this plane share their knowledge to build a better life. So too, are those from higher realms sharing their knowledge with those who are receptive to help ease this ascension into being.

Raising your awareness of how you move through your day will affect you and all those around you. This includes minimizing judgment, anger, and hatred. Replacing these lower energies with those of compassion, love, and generosity.

Chaos allows the highest potential for change. This is why life seems so chaotic of late. The greater the chaos, the sooner the old ways of being will be dismantled so that a kinder, gentler, more loving way of being can emerge.

You are present at this time of change to help make the transition from duality into oneness as gentle as possible. How can you do this? By accepting the love offered to you with every breath that you take. By offering gratitude for all that has been given to assist you in remembering who you are.

Breathe in the essence of love and allow to it fill every cell of your body.

Send roots down into the Mother and ask Her to fill your being with Her love.

Reflect upon your connection to the very beginnings of Creation.

Breathe in love

Breathe out love.

Be loving in every word, thought, and action.

For you are love incarnate.

Your atoms are filled with it.

And you are indeed

One With All of Thee.


Join the Virtual Prayer Circle each Sunday @ 9 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time:

Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you join kindred souls offering their prayers.

Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.

I will add my energies to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.

I’ll hold space and offer my support to all across the globe to shine their light, to trust in who they are, where they are, and the role they play here on this plane. May we all hold each other up with loving support as we inch closer to a new way of being.

Connect when you can and help to bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circling this globe at all times.

Much gratitude and many blessings to you.

May we all be grateful to the unseen world holding us up, keeping us strong with love.



Now available as a podcast at these sites:





Never Doubt Yourself

Sculpture by Isabel Miramontes

Or your connection to the All,

That you are loved unconditionally

And that you can achieve great things

With the smallest gestures

Of kindness, love, and support.

You are Love Incarnate

Shining brighter every day.

Dear One, we wish to remind you of the glory of your being, the power of your existence here upon this plane at this time of ascension. Never doubt your power to shine your light on the darkest of corners. You are connected to the Source who loves you unconditionally. You were created with a spark from the Source that fills you with divine light. Your life makes a difference far beyond what you can imagine.

You are filled with the wisdom of the Universe. It only takes acknowledging this truth and shedding those doubts to access the answers that you seek. Dear One, every step you take is a step forward, even though it might feel like a failure.

Release and let go of that which no longer serves you. Offer gratitude for the lessons provided as you send those thoughts, those ways of being into the ethers. For without them, you would not be the person you are today. They have served you well in the past. But it is time to let them go.

Understand the power of your presence, thoughts, and ability to create your world. We say this often to impress upon you how much you frame the world you see before you.

Dear One, when you are troubled, sit quietly and breathe. Breathe in love and breathe out those stepping stones you wish to release. Know that you live in a world of duality, a way of being that can cause you much worry.

How can you settle those conflicted feelings that you have toward your life? You love, yet you feel pain or suffering. There is a way. And that is to begin to live in the current of a higher dimension; a dimension of Oneness.

There is a way to combine both sides of your inner conflict into oneness. For you continue to see right and wrong when there is only love. Perhaps what you see as wrong is just another way of expressing love. Reflect upon this. For there is goodness within all, even YOU, Dearest One.

Do not doubt yourself. Do not chastise yourself for past actions. Consider where the love is in those past actions. Love for self, love for life and survival, love for another, love of purpose. Reflect upon this and look closer at how duality can be collapsed into oneness with just another perspective.

You have not failed. You are very worthy of love and your life has purpose. An action you feel was ‘wrong’ was perhaps the catalyst another needed on their path forward. Find compassion for yourself and all of creation as this Universe continues to move forward.

You do not live in a vacuum. And so, understand that the results of an interaction reach further than just the individuals involved. Release and let go of judgment, be it of self or another. For all is connected and one small action can have wondrous results unknown to you.

Dearest One, in this season of celebration and prayer, remember to offer gratitude for all that occurs in your life. Move forward gently and quietly, reaching deep within for the wisdom that lies dormant awaiting your call to emerge.

You have come so far, Dear One, with much further to go. The path ahead may have some challenges for you, but you have the support, wisdom, and love to sustain you through your darkest hours.

Shine your light.

Send your love to all.

Nurture yourself with compassion.

Walk with grace.

Love with your whole heart.

Accept the gift of you.

Dearest One With All of Thee.


Join the Virtual Prayer Circle each Sunday @ 9 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time:

Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you join kindred souls offering their prayers.

Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.

I will add my energies to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.

I’ll hold space and offer my support to all across the globe to shine their light, to trust in who they are, where they are, and the role they play here on this plane. May we all hold each other up with loving support as we inch closer to a new way of being.

Connect when you can and help to bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circling this globe at all times.

Much gratitude and many blessings to you.

May we all be grateful to the unseen world holding us up, keeping us strong with love.



Now available as a podcast at these sites:





What is Real and What is Illusion?

Do you know the difference?

How can you tell?

Is reality the same for all?

Dear One, you are living in a holographic world created by you. Does this sound plausible to you? Can you accept the truth that you have the power to create your world? Have we not been saying this for a long time? What is the proof of this?

Consider two people undergoing the exact challenges in their lives. Perhaps it is an illness that can have an extended recovery time. Both are experiencing the same physical conditions. Yet one is cheerful and upbeat while the other sinks into a deep depression.

For one person, this is a temporary experience seen as a means of discovering their inner strength and the power of love from family and friends. For another person, this illness is devastating with no possible good outcome, and they suffer immensely.

Two different approaches to the same illness. Two different worlds were created, one of hope and faith and another of despair and defeat. Each person had the power to create their world. Which one would you choose?

Dear One, what do you see when you look at your world? Do you appreciate the gift of a rainstorm? How it cleanses the earth and fills her body with much-needed water? How it helps tap down the pollen that has been filling the air.

Or do you see it only as an intrusion on your plans for the day? Does everything that happens in this world relate only to your personal life? Is it ‘all about you?’ Or do you understand that all are one, and what serves another also serves you?

What do you see when you approach a homeless person? Is it someone you ignore who is dirty and needs a bath? Or is it someone in need who requires compassion and acknowledgment that they are seen?

Each of you has a history of experiences that frames how you view your world. We do not judge these different views. We only wish to remind you of the many ways to view your world. And as you continue to re-remember who you are and from where you have come, your approach to your life will change.

Dear One, you have the power to change your world. This is possible by looking past the physical world that appears before you. It requires you to look deeper at the energetic makeup of all of creation; the underlying current of connection between and among everything and everyone.

If you can begin to accept the possibility that there is more to existence than what you experience through your physical senses, your life will change. Your world will change.

You have already had glimpses of this energetic existence through synchronistic events, intuitive moments, or unexplainable life occurrences. We say to you once again, Dear One, that you are more than this physical body that houses your very soul.

Your natural state is one of spirit, and you have untapped power waiting to be used for the highest good. Your mind has driven your actions for so long. Now is the time to listen to your heart and what it tells you.

Your power comes from love, not physical possessions, stature, or position. Rather than see only despair and loss, see instead hope and possibilities. You have lived too long believing there are only two options when the opportunities are limitless. Expand your view of the world around you. Change your world by changing yourself and how you move through it.

You have a plethora of grace, love, power, and compassion within. Allow them to flow through you for yourself and this world, and see how your world changes.

How do you see your world?

How would you change your world?

Begin this very moment

To alter your view of your surroundings.

Allow your inner strengths to emerge

With love for all of creation.

For you are one with it, Dear One.

You are One With All of Thee.


Join the Virtual Prayer Circle each Sunday @ 9 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time:

Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you join kindred souls offering their prayers.

Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.

I will add my energies to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.

I’ll hold space and offer my support to all across the globe to shine their light, to trust in who they are, where they are, and the role they play here on this plane. May we all hold each other up with loving support as we inch closer to a new way of being.

Connect when you can and help to bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circling this globe at all times.

Much gratitude and many blessings to you.

May we all be grateful to the unseen world holding us up, keeping us strong with love.



Now available as a podcast at these sites:





Claim Your Power

Fibonacci Pattern By Highland Dunes

And use it for the highest good.

Ask for guidance

And accept the help that comes.

Feel the love that surrounds you.

The power is yours

To share with this world.

Change begins with you.

Dear One, you have the power to change this world. It lies within you awaiting your understanding of who you are and what you are capable of doing. Allow the cloak of fear and darkness to fall from your shoulders. It no longer serves you as your power awakens in all its glory.

Can you feel the surge rising within you? Can you feel the connection with the All That Is? Begin with the Mother and ask her to connect with you. Then feel her energies rising within you from the soles of your feet into every cell of your being. You have just connected with the power of the Earth.

She will ground you. She will allow you to send negative energies down into her as she mulches and transmutes them into goodness. Feel your connection with her with every step that you take. The soles of your feet create sparks of love as you move upon her surface.

Feel the gentle caress of her breath on your skin. Hear the music of love sung by her birds. Or the silence for contemplation as you sit quietly under her branches of love. Smell the sweet fragrance of her essence. Allow the electric pulses of her love to activate every cell of your physical body.

This is only the beginning. Once you are firmly ensconced in Her energies, connect with the benevolent beings from the unseen world. Ask them to guide you forward. Reach out to your higher self for inspiration and connection to the knowledge that is available to you.

Understand, Dear One, that you are never alone. Even the celestial bodies that fill the night sky are lining up to help with the current ascension. The sun is emitting solar flares more and more often as the energies here upon this planet rise.

During this activity, the potential for you to feel and use the gifts of your innate power is rising. For Dear One, you are connected to all of this power. You are One With All. You are needed at this time to awaken and use this power to help transform this plane from duality to oneness.

It is time to understand that nothing and no one is separate. That all are connected. What you call duality is just two sides of the same coin. The yin and yang of one piece of the matrix. Do you not have different facets to your personality? Yet you are one person, growing and moving to emerge in your greatest light and power.

Does the Mother not go through different seasons? She ebbs and flows with the movement of the celestial bodies around her. So too with you, Dear One. You ebb and flow depending on what energies are circling you at any given time.

It is your challenge to stay as focused and calm as possible as you move through your day. Have you not yet realized that all can change in a moment? This is why we encourage you to accept every moment of your life as a gift.

The perceived lows are growth opportunities. The perceived highs are periods for renewal. But all are fleeting, for nothing is static in this world of changing energies.

If you find yourself experiencing a low point, take a deep breath and acknowledge that this is temporary. Do the same for high points as well. For Dear One, it is the ebb and flow of this life that allows you to practice using your power to sustain a life of love, no matter what happens.

Accept your power. It is yours to use for the highest good. Look to the Mother for guidance. Observe how she aligns herself with what is occurring around her. You are very capable of moving through your life with grace.

Awaken to your power.

Awaken to your connection

With all of creation.

How you treat others

Reflects on you.

For All are One in greatness and love.

Dearest One With All of Thee.


Join the Virtual Prayer Circle each Sunday @ 9 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time:

Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you join kindred souls offering their prayers.

Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.

I will add my energies to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.

I’ll hold space and offer my support to all across the globe to shine their light, to trust in who they are, where they are, and the role they play here on this plane. May we all hold each other up with loving support as we inch closer to a new way of being.

Connect when you can and help to bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circling this globe at all times.

Much gratitude and many blessings to you.

May we all be grateful to the unseen world holding us up, keeping us strong with love.



Now available as a podcast at these sites:





Slow Down

Walk in peace.

Shut out the distractions of the world

And go inside.

To that oasis of love

Within your heart center.

The essence of your being.

Dear One, you are growing and beginning to catch glimpses of the essence of your being. You are one with the Source. You are pure love embodied at this time to help with the ongoing ascension upon this plane. Your connection is becoming stronger as you begin to remember who you are and from where you came.

Your future is bright. For you are moving forward despite your fears that you have failed or are not worthy. Stop for a moment and take a deep breath. Imagine breathing in the loving essence of the Divine, filling every cell of your physical body.

Your true nature is one of spirit. What pulls you down is your belief that your physical body is who you are. Society tells you that you need to be and to act a certain way. Can you listen instead to that voice within your heart center?

Slow down and allow the quiet peace of love to envelop and calm you. The more you grow, the more sensitive you will become to the noise around you. You will begin to question what you have believed for so many years.

The truth is that all of the answers you seek lie within you. No one upon this plane knows you better than your inner self. You have grown enough to trust that inner self. Seek advice from others but be discerning of what you hear. Sit quietly and reflect upon the advice given. Does it ring true for you?

When you are so overwhelmed you wish for someone to show you the way. You are unable to slow down enough to seek that guidance from within. But, Dear One, the more you practice, the easier and quicker it will be for you to ‘hear’ that guidance from your inner voice.

Remember that you are also guided through synchronistic events that occur in your life. If you move too quickly, you may miss the guidance that is being given to you from spirit. It is easier to follow the words of another, which may resonate with you, but they also may not.

The key is to trust yourself and your inner guidance. If you question what you have been told, ask again. Be open to the possibilities for change. Yes, it is much easier and quicker to do what you have done in the past; the rote response to life.

But if you take a breath and take the time to just be, other possibilities will begin to occur to you. Perhaps not during that quiet time, but soon after as you move through your day. The AHA moment will come. When it does, give gratitude for the answer to your problem.

For Dear One, often what is needed is to cease thinking about the problem so that inspiration can bubble up from within. Constant chatter and worry block the flow of your inner voice. When you struggle, take a break and allow inner peace to rise within you with a few deep breaths.

You hold your breath when you are angry or tense. Release your breath and connect to the Mother. Send your fears down into the earth through the soles of your feet. She will gladly take them from you and help you free yourself.

All are connected. All are One. You are part of a wondrous matrix of love. Walk away from the distractions that increase your anxiety. You carry that inner peace with you at all times. You can reach it anytime, anywhere. It begins with slowing down and taking a few deep breaths.

You are loved. You are love incarnate. And you are being lifted by the love of other souls. Accept the gift they offer. Accept the gift of you. For you play an integral part in this physical world as it ascends into higher consciousness.

Trust yourself

Love yourself

See yourself as we see you.

A brave soul here

To love, to learn, and to remember

That you are indeed

One With All of Thee.


Join the Virtual Prayer Circle each Sunday @ 9 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time:

Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you join kindred souls offering their prayers.

Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.

I will add my energies to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.

I’ll hold space and offer my support to all across the globe to shine their light, to trust in who they are, where they are, and the role they play here on this plane. May we all hold each other up with loving support as we inch closer to a new way of being.

Connect when you can and help to bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circling this globe at all times.

Much gratitude and many blessings to you.

May we all be grateful to the unseen world holding us up, keeping us strong with love.



Now available as a podcast at these sites:





A Meditation for You

To My Dear Readers,

Today I want to offer you a meditation. This comes from the Stargate Group, which I have been following for a couple of years. The messages they share resonate with the ones I have been receiving for the past 30 years. The stargate is a geometric structure that concentrates and accentuates the energetic field around you. I’ve provided a picture of it for you.

So many times, this blog has mentioned that many are quietly doing the work. This is one of those groups that combine their intent to raise the energies of and send support out to this world. I am happy to be part of this community of thousands around the world who connect and send love out to all. For I truly believe in the power of numbers.

The messages I have shared with you over the years have told you time and time again how much you are loved. It is one thing to be told this and another entirely to feel it. I hope that by listening to this 35-minute meditation you will feel the love and compassion that is there for you every moment of your day. There are two voices you will hear during the meditation, Prageet & Julieanne, who both share messages from Alcazar.

Listen to this whenever you need some support. If you feel called to investigate, more information about this group is in the link. I’m not promoting them. Rather I wish to share a calming and supportive meditation that I find very powerful.

I’ll continue next week with my usual messages. Until then, I send you all my love.



Join the Virtual Prayer Circle each Sunday @ 9 PM Eastern Standard Time:

Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you join kindred souls offering their prayers.

Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.

I will add my energies to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.

I’ll hold space and offer my support to all across the globe to shine their light, to trust in who they are, where they are, and the role they play here on this plane. May we all hold each other up with loving support as we inch closer to a new way of being.

Connect when you can and help to bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circling this globe at all times.

Much gratitude and many blessings to you.

May we all be grateful to the unseen world holding us up, keeping us strong with love.



Now available as a podcast at these sites:





You are Changing

And growing.

And we are here

To help you take

That giant leap forward.

From duality into Oneness.

Dear One, you are present on this physical plane during a wondrous time. It is the time when you are gently being guided from a 3rd-dimensional existence into a 5th-dimensional existence. What does that mean?

You are living with a foot in two worlds, a physical and a non-physical world. You are a divine being incarnated into a physical body. This physical existence provides a unique means of growth unknown elsewhere. And what you discover on this path serves both you and the collective consciousness, for all are one.

But you are also connected to the spiritual realm. A connection that is becoming easier to access as your vibration continues to rise. Your intuition may be keener. Your sensitivity to negative emotions or lower vibrations may be more noticeable to you.

Many of you are experiencing painful memories long buried. This is to encourage reflection and release. Understand that you can reflect upon them as an observer rather than as a participant to minimize feeling the emotion of that past trauma.

See them as a movie on a screen, a re-run of your past that can be viewed from a different perspective. A more objective perspective because you are no longer that person. You survived these challenges and are stronger because of them. See them as a reminder of how far you have come. Reminders of the strength you now hold to move through your current challenges.

Dear One, remember that your life is a process, a collection of experiences that have given you the wisdom you can use today. Honor yourself for how far you have come. Find the compassion and forgiveness that you were unable to give in the past; for all involved, including yourself. Then release those memories in love and gratitude.

Moving into a 5th-dimensional existence is a challenge for most of you who have viewed your life from a 3rd-dimensional perspective until now. You have lived in a world of duality where you are separate from others. You have focused on a physical world with solutions limited to a physical existence.

Transitioning into a 5th-dimensional existence requires seeing ALL as ONE. Expand your view from purely physical to energetic. So many ask how they can help this world. They struggle because they still limit themselves to ‘physical’ actions, many of which are too difficult to manage in a chaotic world.

Taking a 5th-dimensional view expands the possibilities of helping this world. How? It understands the power of the invisible. All of existence is made of energy that is unlimited in where it can go. Consider the power of sending positive energy across this globe to those in need of support. No physical action is required.

Geographic proximity is not required. Others can feel the loving energies you send out to them, even if they are not consciously aware of them. If all are one and many focus on sending support to one person or situation, the power is increased exponentially.

Keep your vibration higher through prayer, meditation, and the release of old memories with forgiveness and love. Doing this can counteract the lower frequencies of hundreds of thousands. This is why we encourage you to ‘do the work’. For by doing so, you are not only helping yourself but all of creation, since all are connected.

This transition to higher consciousness is supported by those who have already experienced an ascension in their worlds. Understand that the power of the invisible includes many benevolent beings assisting this world as much as you will allow.

Dear One, you are at the cusp of awakening to a new and more powerful existence. These are the times spoken of for millennia and your presence is vital. You are strong enough, capable enough, and powerful enough to make a difference in this world. It begins with healing yourself and being open to new ways of moving through your day.

You have come so far

With unlimited growth ahead of you.

With the support of All of Creation

Cheering you on.

You are awakening to your true state,

A state of Oneness

Dearest One With All of Thee.


Join the Virtual Prayer Circle each Sunday @ 9 PM Eastern Standard Time:

Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you join kindred souls offering their prayers.

Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.

I will add my energies to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.

I’ll hold space and offer my support to all across the globe to shine their light, to trust in who they are, where they are, and the role they play here on this plane. May we all hold each other up with loving support as we inch closer to a new way of being.

Connect when you can and help to bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circling this globe at all times.

Much gratitude and many blessings to you.

May we all be grateful to the unseen world holding us up, keeping us strong with love.



Now available as a podcast at these sites:





What DoYou Feel?

Stop, pause, and pay attention

To what you are feeling

At this very moment.

Open your heart

And accept those feelings

With compassion and love.

Dear One, it is time to stop suppressing the feelings that rise within you. Acknowledge them, feel them, and release them. They are markers to show you where you are on your journey. They can show you the next step on your path.

You live in a world of duality, not only around you, but within you. This is by design. But now is the time to rise above the dualistic nature of this life into Oneness. If you are reading this, you are ready and eager to grow.

Ask for help and support with this process, for it is new territory for many of you. Over the years you have tried to hide those negative aspects of your personality. But, Dear One, you are more complex than you realize. At the same time, your true nature is simply one of love and only love.

You are a unique individual living in a world of mirrors reflecting back what you have sent out to this world. If you have been kind, you will notice much kindness in return. If you have emitted anger and fear, you will find yourself surrounded by the same.

Consider those you do not like and ask yourself if they exhibit traits similar to those you do not like in yourself. Who are you drawn to as you move through your day? Do they exude warmth and generosity? Or do they act like someone in your past who was harmful to your psyche?

It is human nature to be drawn to the familiar even if it does not serve your best interests. It is human nature to dislike those who have ‘negative’ traits like your own.

This is a time of awakening. A time to view your life’s choices more clearly without self-judgment. Understand that each choice has provided a lesson to be learned.

Clarity with compassion shows where you have been and how far you have come. Clarity will show you a different path to take from this moment on.

Dear One, you are a divine being experiencing a human life. But as the ascension grows in strength, you are being gently led forward to embrace your divinity, your connection to Oneness. The ascension is encouraging you to move away from duality into Oneness.

Part of this process requires you to be honest with yourself about how you are feeling and how you lived your life. Can you acknowledge, release, and let go of old emotions that no longer serve you? Can you do this without self-judgment?

Self-compassion is as important as compassion for others. For we remind you that All are One. We remind you again that life happens FOR you, not TO you. Every aspect of your life is an opportunity for growth, for ascending higher into your true position of Oneness with All.

You are loved unconditionally, no matter how you have lived your life.

You are loved unconditionally, without judgment, no matter how much you judge yourself.

You are loved unconditionally, seen as your true self, a being of light here to help raise this world and beyond into higher existence.

Accept this truth about yourself. Accept our love and accept our help to clear the fog from your eyes. Oh, Dearest One, we believe in you and will see you through if you allow us to help.

Love yourself as you love others.

Forgive yourself as you forgive others.

Have compassion for yourself as you do for others.

You are no better or worse than another.

You are One with them.

Open your eyes and your heart

To your true nature.

Dearest, dearest One With All of Thee.


Join the Virtual Prayer Circle each Sunday @ 9 PM Eastern Standard Time:

Sit quietly and see all as one in this world as you join kindred souls offering their prayers.

Keep the momentum going. Your input is needed now more than ever.

I will add my energies to your loving thoughts for the world and your loved ones.

I’ll hold space and offer my support to all across the globe to shine their light, to trust in who they are, where they are, and the role they play here on this plane. May we all hold each other up with loving support as we inch closer to a new way of being.

Connect when you can and help to bring change to this world. Understand that there is a constant stream of collective prayer circling this globe at all times.

Much gratitude and many blessings to you.

May we all be grateful to the unseen world holding us up, keeping us strong with love.



Now available as a podcast at these sites:





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