
Can you be compassionate

Yet detached from the outcome?

Which matters most….

The interaction or the outcome?

Dear One, are you able to be kind and compassionate, to do your best, and yet be detached from the outcome? If you act with pure intent, does the response to your actions, your words, really matter? Are you able to give, to focus only on the act of giving and not the result?

You are responsible only for YOUR thoughts, YOUR words, YOUR deeds. We have encouraged you to be of pure intent with all that you do or say. How people respond to you is not your concern if you have done your best in those interactions. Yes, human emotion entwines itself around your every movement for you are living in the human condition. But you are also a being of light, with grace and connection with the ability to come from love in every interaction.

Can you focus on shining your radiance from every pore of your human vessel until it surrounds your human form in light? Can you see yourself as this beacon of light? And can you understand how the energetic transfer of every interaction will thus be encased in that light, that love?

Dear One, speak and act with pure intent, for that is the best that you can do. How another perceives your words, your actions, is their responsibility. You may be misunderstood, for the recipient may not be accustomed to such a loving interaction. Or they may perceive your interaction with mis-trust due to occurrences in their past. Can you, in spite of this, continue to walk in grace and show compassion?

You do not yet understand how much you affect others in ways that are unknown to you. You have been taught to look for immediate responses. You try to change another’s way of being and if you do not see the intended response, you try harder. Many of you worry about what others think of you.

Instead, can you be your authentic self; that being of light surrounded by love? Can you understand that if you have used pure intent in that interaction, that nothing further is needed? Indeed, you may be disappointed. But can you understand that all have lessons to learn? That interaction, motivated by pure intent, may not result in the outcome you expected. And yet, it may have been the perfect interaction to help another on their path.

Have faith, Dear One, that all is unfolding as it should. What you see as a negative outcome may instead lead to a more perfect result than you could ever have imagined. Detach yourself from outcome. It requires strength, faith and grace to continue to walk with compassion despite any disappointment you may feel.

All are one. All are on a journey of self-discovery. And all are beings of light in human form.

Remember that and allow your inner light to guide you on your path. See the light within others, even when they may not be able to see it within themselves.

Be gentle, kind and loving and detach yourself from the outcome. Another may need time to find their way. Allow them that time. Allow the Universe to unfold in its most perfect way. Remember that from your human condition you do not have the same perspective as we do.

Trust, Dear One.

Walk in grace and know that guidance is only a whisper away.

For you are very much loved, Dear Being of Light.

One with All of Thee.

9 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. emmagc75
    Jul 24, 2015 @ 22:09:37

    I really needed your beautiful words. I’m trying to understand, to have patience and faith. Just struggling a little today. Thank you.


  2. mochateaoh
    Jul 25, 2015 @ 00:36:55

    Wise words indeed! I shall do my best.


  3. Janet Strindmo Romsaas
    Jul 25, 2015 @ 15:19:35

    I really needed these words today. Thank you.


  4. insearchofitall
    Jul 25, 2015 @ 18:21:32

    Thank you. I’m not very radiant today. Just very tired again. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Hugs,


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