Thy Guiding Light

photo credit: G.Sorensen

photo credit: G.Sorensen

You are never alone

But guided by your light

Connected to the All

In loving embrace

Dear One, understand that you are never alone. That is impossible as you are a part of the Source, connected by love. It is through this connection that you are guided as you move through your day.

Not all of your essence is present in this physical body. Some of it remains free-flowing in its dis-embodied state, closer to the Source in spirit form. Much of the guidance you receive through moments of inspiration comes from this higher self who is more aware of your reason for being here upon this physical plane.

You came here with purpose, for an experiential life in the physical realm. You came in order to grow and contribute back to the collective consciousness what you have learned. All are connected. And as your personal growth raises the vibrational energies of this physical plane, in turn, all other realms are able to raise their vibrational energies as well.

For this reason, as you make choices every day, you are guided as much as possible without interfering with your free will. Know that you have many watchful eyes cheering you on as you make your way forward on your path. These eyes are non-judgmental and always loving as they follow your progress.

Dear One, your guidance is received more easily when you are in a calm, quiet state. Emotional turmoil makes it more difficult for you to hear the guidance being sent to you. For this reason, it is helpful to take time to sit and be still, to quiet that racing mind of yours with deep, relaxing breaths.

Be present in the moment as this guidance may also come through nature, through the voice of a child or the lyric of a song. Learn to trust your own intuition. Learn to be aware of your surroundings and any messages that may be sent to you through various sources during your day.

You are never alone, Dear One, and as you continue to grow you will become more aware of our presence in your life. Do you see the shimmering points of light that surround you? Do you feel the warmth of our embrace when you ask for comfort? Do you hear that gentle voice guiding you forward?

Trust yourself and your own intuition. Trust your connection with the Source. Trust that life is unfolding as it should. Learn to replace any fears you might have with faith that all will be well. Embrace love with the knowledge that love is within you and around you.

For you are love incarnate.

You are connected to the All.

You are able to create your world.

Create it in love.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. insearchofitall
    Jun 07, 2015 @ 10:58:42

    That explains it very well. Thank you.


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