You Have the Power


To change your world

To live in love

To know the truth

Of your own existence.

Trust yourself

And your connection to the All.

Dear One, you have grown to the point where the truth of your existence is available to you now. Your vision has more clarity and your heart has expanded to share more love with others. Your placement is not a mistake. Your life is capable of greatness. And your power has increased.

It is time to see your world through different lenses. See the reality that lies before you. See how the anger, the fear, the cruelty is caused by a lack of love, a feeling of abandonment and not being seen. Understand that compassion and love is the most important salve that can be applied at this time.

You need not be present. You need not be face-to-face with those who suffer so greatly. Remember the power of energetic connections. Remember how you are capable of sending love outwards across miles just with your breath with an open heart.

Shut down that judgmental mind and see how fear has caused such suffering. You, Dear One, have the power to transmute this fear with love. It is time for you to allow the love to flow, to be the conduit between heaven and earth and to be the beacon of light that you are.

You are surrounded by legions of helpers who have come to assist you in your mission of love. The challenges that you have experienced throughout your life have given you the tools you need at this time. You have the perfect knowledge to move forward using your individual gifts to change your world.

It begins with you. Surround yourself with love. Observe, but do not engage in the drama. Observe with compassion and with love. Respond by lifting others up to their highest possible vibration at this time. See the divinity within others, even though they are still blinded to it themselves.

Understand that each individual who does their part increases the power of the whole as you connect along energetic lines. Things must often be broken in order to be rebuilt and this is a time of transformation. See it not as an end, but as a beginning for a new way of being. And you are present at this time to help, through your own divinity.

In this world of duality, there will always be light and dark. That is the way of this realm. However, the balance between the two can be shifted, the pendulum can be moved so that light can supersede darkness. The movement of this pendulum depends upon you and others to raise their own vibrations to the highest they can be at this time.

Remember also, that those who make their transitions have not gone far. They are still present, but at a higher vibration. They have done what they could do as an embodied soul, learned what they could learn. And now they will be received with open arms, surrounded with love. They will continue their service, continue their journey of self-realization from a higher vibration. One which is lighter and freer where they will be more aware of the connections between and among all of creation.

You are here at this time by choice and you are surrounded by guides who will help you. But you must ask for that help as you have been gifted with free-will. Call upon us to help you as you place one foot in front of the other. Allow times for stillness so that you can hear the guidance sent to you constantly.

Trust yourself and use your power to guide others forward. Speak your truth, gently, respectfully and with a neutral countenance. Trust that seeds are being planted with your words and actions. And do not focus on outcome, only on process and love.

Empower yourself with truth and love.

Reach out energetically with love and compassion.

Lift up your world and those who live in fear.

Transmute any doubts through love and prayer.

You are ready, you have the power to change

You have the gifts you need to move forward

Move forward in love

Dearest One With All of Thee.

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