
‘Why am I here?’ you ask

As you ponder your life

Upon this physical plane.

Look into your heart,

For that is where the answer lies.

Dear One, many ponder the meaning of existence, of suffering, of purpose, for being here upon this physical plane. There has been much discussion of this topic. However we ask you this, ‘Are you seeking the answer in your mind, or in your heart?’

Your mind can certainly respond with the scientific reasons for how this physical world has come into being. In fact, your science is beginning to delve deeper into the mysteries of life as physicists study further into the unseen world of particles, probabilities and quantum theories. You have made great progress on these fronts and will continue as your technology advances.

But do these scientific advances truly answer your question? They certainly validate what we have told you that everything is energy in constant motion. But they cannot begin to satisfy your search for the purpose of this existence. That is because the answer lies in your heart.

The heart-mind connection serves you well upon this plane as we have stated before; the mind allows you to move through this world in a most efficient manner. But it is the heart which continues to drive what you do with that knowledge. It is the heart which is the barometer for how well you have used what your mind has provided.

You have discovered ways of growing food in a more efficient, sustainable fashion. But have you shared these methods with parts of your world in famine? You have built the most deadly and accurate of weapons, but for what purpose are they being used?

Your heart is the rudder which steers you in the direction which raises, rather than lowers the vibrational energies of this plane. The mind is a tool for navigating this physical world. Your heart is the connection with all of creation.

So when you seek the answer to the question, ‘Why am I here? ‘, go to the Source of all of creation, that which lives within your heart. The language spoken here is not so much a language of words, but a language of feeling, of vision, of connection. And the more time you spend within your heart, the less you will require words to guide you forward. Instead you will have learned to trust your intuition, your visions and your synchronicities which guide you forward.

You will begin to allow the higher vibrations which emanate from your heart center to lead you in the direction you were meant to go, in order to fulfill your purpose here upon this plane. You will begin to understand that the answer to this age-old question is not given in words, but in the connection you have with all of creation. You will begin to act in harmony with the collective consciousness and worry less about the why. Instead, you will understand intuitively how best to contribute your part to the All; for you will begin to understand the integral piece that you are in the creative process.

Seek not the words to answer your question. Allow, instead, your heart to open and strengthen the connection you have with All That Is. As you do this, you will no longer need a verbal or written response; for the inner knowingness will answer that question in a most mystical way.

Dear One, the knowledge you seek comes from within your heart. Honor your mind for all that it provides you on this physical journey. But remember, that this physical journey is but a temporary state of being and that the knowledge in your heart will guide you forward beyond this physical realm.

You, Dear One, are a child of the Universe, gently cradled in a loving embrace by those who truly know who you really are. You are held in gratitude for embarking on this physical journey and are always connected to the Source, to the cosmic consciousness of being. Always.

Celebrate who you really are

And honor the connection you have with the All.

Remember what an integral part you play with every breath you take.

Dear One With All of Thee.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. TheFeatheredSleep
    Jun 04, 2017 @ 11:27:57

    Love this


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