Energy vs. Form


Differentiating between these two concepts

Will help you understand

The workings of the Universe.

It will empower you

In the coming days

To assist in the universal changes

Affecting your planet.

At this time.

Dear One, so many of the writings transcribed here have alluded to the separation between both energy and form. You chose to become embodied in form in order to walk a path of self-discovery. And in doing so, you are allowing the Oneness to also experience Self through you.

The difficulty arises when you identify so much with form that the concept of energy is difficult to grasp. Or, if indeed you can intellectualize it, the challenge is in incorporating this knowledge into your daily life. It is still not understood by many that energy affects form and not the opposite.

What does this mean to you? Consider the power available to you when you disregard form and only focus upon energy. What you think, what you say are as powerful as what you do. For you are co-creator with the Source, the Oneness. Your own creation came about with a spark from the omnipotent Oneness which means that you are a part of the All.

The Universe does not exist outside of your physical form. It exists within, where your true nature, your energetic being resides. And in order to connect with the All, it is necessary to go within. Upon final release, which you call death, you are finally free from this form. You return to your natural state, one which does not support the illusion of separation, so common a belief when you are embodied in form.

Your personal rate of energetic vibration is different from another depending on where you are on your path of self-discovery. And the higher your rate of vibration while embodied, the stronger the connection is with the All. The further your reach as you radiate your light to others. And the more sensitive you are to the vibrations of others.

Your mere presence here upon this physical plane at this time is an act of service. It is so because your vibration is felt by others, even if they are not conscious of what they are feeling. You have all experienced being drawn towards another or feeling the need to distance yourself because of the energetic vibration someone is emitting. You are affected by and inundated by these energies every moment of your day.

This is why being outside with the Mother can calm and soothe you, for Her vibrations are pure and healing. You can heal the multiple layers of your energetic field (for there are more than one) by bathing yourself in the soothing energies of the Mother, of music or art or whatever brings you joy.

You can send any stressful feelings down into the Mother, by grounding to Her, and allowing them to flow down through the soles of your feel into the earth. And this can be done even when you are not physically in her environment. For it is all about energy and not form.

Understand that energetically, you can radiate loving thoughts to others who are not geographically close. Energetically, you can join the emanations of others who are creating a more calming and loving field around this planet. And energetically, you can connect with others, or with the All to receive or to send positive energies.

But remember, this also works in sending our negative, lower vibrations. You have seen it occur in your world as fear building across your globe. The power you have can help to transmute this fear into higher loving vibrations. Do not feel that you can do nothing to help. For radiating light and love is a powerful force. Form in not necessary, only energies.

This is why seeing another as already healed, rather than sick; seeing an adversary as a kindred soul created in love; or sending energetic support to another can be powerful tools to use as you continue to awaken upon this plane.

Dear One, rather than holding another in judgment, instead, hold them in light. Reflect upon the positive actions you can take to help raise the energies of this world.

Being aware of the actions of others can empower you. But do not empower the negative actions of others by giving all your focus to those actions. Instead, radiate higher vibrations, loving light to transmute and raise those lower vibrations. For by allowing others to upset you gives them more power.

Be aware, indeed, but choose to rise above the fear by surrounding all who cross your path, all in your world, surrounding them in love.

Remember that all form which you see houses a divine light within. Bless and give gratitude for all. Each has its role to play in this current awakening. Some which seem counter-productive but which may very well be the catalysts for change.

Honor all of creation.

Radiate your light outward to all.

Acknowledge and then transmute to love

All fear which comes your way.

Accept your power

Use it wisely.

And ask for help when needed.

You are one with the Source.

You are One With All of Thee.

Dearest, Dearest One.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Mary Sochacki
    Dec 14, 2020 @ 06:40:56

    Thank you for this timely message. I have just begun educating myself on the chakras. This fits right in with that.
    Always with love, Mary S.


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